Module 4: The Natural Counsellor


A Counsellors goal is to assist the client to bring balance into their whole lives and ensure the client is in touch with their own needs. Healing is based on the theory that one element of a person can not be healthy without all of the other aspects of the person being in balance and harmony. (The mind will not be well if the body is not well; the body will not be well if the spirit is not well: etc) 

Tools for Natural Counselling are

Basic Counselling Skills 

  • Compassion Listening 
  • Grounding, integrity and centeredness 
  • Body awareness and body language 
  • Understanding 
  • Support 

There is no room in Counselling for… 

  1. Judgments 
  2. Contradicting 
  3. Preaching 
  4. Interrupting 
  5. Condescending 
  6. Superiority

1. Overcoming Anxious Thoughts



Compassionate Listening: 

Listening in such a way that your client feels heard and understood. This includes listening with intent (not appearing distracted or uninterested.) If something is distracting you from listening fully to your client, pause the session and get rid of the distraction. 


Active Listening: 

Listening to what your client says and then reiterating parts of the conversation back to your client. This has two functions 1/ It shows your client that you are understanding them clearly and 2/ it helps a client hear what they are actually saying themselves! It can assist you to draw your clients’ attention to comments they may have made that expose old erroneous belief systems. 

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2. Affirmations




Hundreds of years of scientific research into the meaning and substance of happiness has taught us there are certain things a human being requires in order to be happy. 


Basically these things revolve around our needs being met in the three AREAS OF EXISTENCE (in this order) 

1/ Our physical needs  2/ Our emotional needs  3/ Our spiritual needs 

If our physical needs are not met we are unable to meet our emotional or spiritual needs adequately. The Physical needs are the foundation on which our emotional needs rest and our emotional needs are the foundations on which our spiritual needs rest. If the foundations are unstable, the whole structure is faulty.

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3. The Law of Attraction



The first step toward true and lasting happiness for any person is in ensuring their needs are met in all three areas of existence. But first we need to identify exactly what those needs are. 


Physical: Shelter (Home), Nourishment (Food/Water), Health, Clothing, Comfort 


Emotional: Love (Family, Friendship and Romantic Love), Social Interaction, Creative Expression, Satisfaction/Achievement (Career or Community), Status (To perceive ourselves as valued, appreciated or respected.) 


Spiritual: Sense of belonging, Dreams/Goals, Information/Guidance/ Education, Sense of purpose 

For many people identifying what their own needs are is a more difficult task than we might initially expect. With so much time spent just getting on with the business of living and so many external influences telling us what we need (Commercialism – a new car, a better house, more expensive skin care!) and what we don’t need (or don’t deserve) may people are caught up in what they are ‘supposed’ to need rather than aware of what they really do need. 


The law of attraction can help you acquire the success that your heart desires. The basic premise of the law of attraction is that whatever your mind believes, you can achieve. For example, if you consistently visually getting a raise or a promotion, or completing a major task and pretend that you already have it, there is a good chance that it will happen in real life.

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4. Solution Focused Therapy & Skills


Basic Counselling Skills 

  • Compassion 
  • Listening 
  • Grounding, integrity and centeredness 
  • Body awareness and body language 
  • Understanding 
  • Support 

There is no room in Counselling for… 

  1. Judgments 
  2. Contradicting 
  3. Preaching 
  4. Interrupting 
  5. Condescending 
  6. Superiority 

Solution-focused brief therapy places focus on a person’s present and future circumstances and goals rather than past experiences. SFT, which aims to help people experiencing difficulty find tools they can use immediately to manage symptoms and cope with challenges, is grounded in the belief that although individuals may already have the skills to create change in their lives, they often need help identifying and developing those skills. In SFT, counsellors ask specific types of question to guide the session.

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5. Life Zones


A Counsellors goal is to assist the client to bring balance into their whole lives and ensure the client is in touch with their own needs. Healing is based on the theory that one element of a person can not be healthy without all of the other aspects of the person being in balance and harmony. (The mind will not be well if the body is not well; the body will not be well if the spirit is not well: etc)

Positive Self Image: Having a positive self-image is so important. If we do not love ourselves, how can we possibly be able to love someone else? Looking in the mirror at ourselves without any judgments, is a hard thing to do. It takes courage & commitment. But when you love who you are, you let good things into your life. Having a positive self image can bring joy into you life. So many people think that more money will bring them joy, or wanting a relationship to make them feel good, or if they could just find their passion, then they will feel good.

However, if we could just make our first goal: Feeling good about ourselves, everything will take care of itself. When you make feeling good your priority, you do so much good in the world & just being around you is a good feeling, & then all the other things will just happen.


Identify what zones of your life needs attention in order to bring it back to balance. Think about each of your own life zone and fill in the details below.

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6. Finding Your Way Out of Stress



The development of positive thinking skills requires us to develop the habit of thinking in a positive mindset


Journalling: A daily routine where we use a Journal in combination with worry time and positive reflection on the things we view as positive in our lives trains our minds to isolate worry and develops the habit of choosing positive thought without neglecting unpleasant issues in our lives that we do need to eventually address. 


Meditation: Incorporating Meditation into our daily lives also teaches our minds to be centred and calm. It trains us to have control over our thinking and enables us to eliminate the chatter of thought that typically leads us into negative thinking. 


Muscle Relaxation: Through practicing muscle relaxation exercises we train our brains to recognise the first symptoms of stress (flight or fight reaction) and also how to release muscle tension on command. This ability allows us to minimise the effects of stress when it does arise and helps us to feel calmer, more in control and better equipped to deal with the situation. 


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