Module 8: Cool, Calm, Confident


We are here at module 8, the last module.

We have have talked about affirmations, journalling, mindset, healthy eating and how to clear the clutter in your daily live. As we come into the last if this module, I want to talk to you about the benefits of a healthy home or work environment.

A salt lamp is a lamp made out of Himalayan sea salt that not only lights up your room but may also provide you with a plethora of health and environmental benefits. Here are a few reasons you may want to add a salt lamp to your décor.


1. Clean and purified air

Salt lamps are popular for purifying and cleansing the air around you and may even help reduce air pollution. They do this through a process of cleansing and purifying called hygroscopy. The salt lamp essentially attracts and absorbs contaminated molecules of water in the air and then locks them within the salt crystal, acting as a very simple air purifier.

2. Improved breathing

By purifying and cleansing the air, the salt lamp improves the air you breathe, gradually clearing your air passages. Your body contains fine hairs known as cilia that act as a very small breathing filter along your windpipe. Positive ions decrease the performance of your cilia while negative ions improve it. These salt lamps release negative ions that enhance the performance of your cilia, making it easier for you to breathe by cleaning out your lungs.

3. Balanced electromagnetic radiation

Electromagnetic radiation is harmful to our mind and body. Overexposure to these electromagnetic radiations may cause fatigue, stress, bad immune health, cancer, and tumors. Devices like our phones and laptops keep us in continued exposure to the positive ions of electromagnetic radiation. Salt lamps reduce and balance electromagnetic radiations by emitting negative ions that cancel out the positive ions. This is how they prevent electromagnetic static build up and reduce artificial frequencies.

4. Alleviate allergies and throat problems

Salt lamps may be effective in preventing or reducing the symptoms of the common cold, flu, sore throat, and sinus infections. The negative ions that are produced by salt lamps may help protect against illnesses caused by impurities in the air. These negative ions also absorb particles in the air that can block our windpipes when we breathe them in.

5. Increased energy levels

The negative ions in our body are responsible for increasing or raising our energy levels. Salt lamps produce these negative ions and their presence in your home just may give you more energy.

6. Improved blood flow

The negative ions that are emitted by salt lamp may help accelerate your blood flow, improving your overall cardio and vascular health.

7. Improved focus

If you find it hard to concentrate or maintain focus for a long period of time give a salt lamp a try. Those negative ions produced by the salt lamp help increase and regulate the flow of blood and oxygen in your body, helping you to maintain focus and manage your stress.

1. How to Have Better Relationship through Your Own Self Love


This ignorance can lead to mental and physical health issues and start to seep into our relationships. It is critical that you take some time out of your busy schedule for just you.

We tend to neglect ourselves and put off taking a break for any sort of self-care. This can lead to a never-ending work cycle with no recreation that may leave you feeling down, frustrated or even hysteric. The easy solution to this problem is to take care of you. Take some “me-time” out of your around-the-clock schedule and treat yourself to something nice and stress-relieving.

Do not feel selfish about it, because when you feel good, you are better able to take good care of your relationships and your work.



There is no specific rule of thumb to taking care of yourself; it can involve anything you like to do that makes you feel refreshed.

Here is a short list of ideas:

1. Spend some time alone, away from the world, in a calm and quiet place. You can go for a morning walk or visit a park. Don’t turn on the TV or laptop. Just be with yourself.

2. Reflect on what has been happening in your life. Appreciate your achievements and encourage yourself to do more.

3. Read your favorite book or some poetry.

4. Focus your energy on being a beautiful person on the inside rather than focusing on the outward beauty.

5. Get up early in the morning, eat healthily throughout the day, get some exercise and meditation, and go to bed early. This healthy routine will keep your mind and body on the right track and your soul will automatically feel refreshed.

With these simple steps, you can learn to love yourself and bring positive changes to your life.



You feel refreshed and happy when you get enough attention, love, and time from your loved ones and vice versa. To boost the energy level of your mind and body and to help satisfy your soul, try to maximise the time you spend with your family, your partner, and your kids. Here are some good ways to maximise small amounts of time:

1. Arrange specific activities that you love to do with your partner or kids. For example, go to a theme park and take rides with your children, or plan a movie night with your partner. These little trips will help you stay happy and feel blessed.

2. Always plan ahead if you are usually busy so that you don’t disappoint your family by not showing up.

3. Give yourself a break from technology; your phone, iPad, and laptop need to stay away from you in order for you to spend quality time with your family and actually be present in the moment.

4. Try to communicate with your partner and children one-on-one to promote feelings of mutual love and respect.

5. Use positive affirming words to give off positive vibes.


These steps will help to promote a healthy family life, which will have a deep positive impact on your mind, body, and soul. Loving your family and loving your life starts with loving yourself. Love yourself and you will excel!


Now with all things, let’s come back to the beginning and talk about gratitude which we have covered in previous modules and reflect on how you are felling relating to your own experiences. 

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2. Cool, Calm, Confident You!

Journaling is a common and beneficial practice that is often recommended for emotional, mental, spiritual, and psychological health. It is easy to do and offers an excellent opportunity to work through the emotional and stressful challenges of life.

A journal does not judge you or offer advice; it is simply a sounding board for you to work through thoughts and feelings, or to just document your life. You can journal any time of the day that suits you—and during which you have the time—but there are some significant benefits to journaling at night, most specifically before bedtime.

Those few moments before you go to bed tend to be some of your calmest when both your mind and body are relaxed. You have started to recover from the chaos of the day, but your body hasn’t started ramping up yet for the next day.

Here are few reasons why this can lead to more effective journaling

1. Identifying Your Organising Style

Journaling at the end of your day allows you to reflect on the day as a whole. This helps you better analyse your behaviour during the day, how your actions may have affected you or others around you, and look at those behaviours and actions from a more objective perspective. Any adrenaline, stress, or anxiety you may have felt throughout the day has usually dissipated by this point in the evening, and you are able to more clearly see how you responded to certain situations. This can help you decide what went well and what did not, so that, hopefully, you will not make the same mistakes the next day.

2. Clarity

As we write our thoughts about the events of our day, we may start understanding why we—or others— behaved the way we did. Seeing the whole picture during a situation can be difficult, as can evaluating what we are feeling and why during those situations. At the end of the day, when the proverbial dust as settled, we are able to take a step back, look at the big picture, and better evaluate a situation

3. Emotional well being

Working through events and associated emotions is good for our emotional well being. Writing allows your psyche with a confidential outlet to express thoughts and feelings without rejection, judgment, or repercussions. Holding onto emotions burdens our hearts. By writing down our thoughts and feelings, we take the burden off of our heart, offering the kind of relief that is rarely possible when confiding in even our closest friends or family.

4. Memory boost

Journaling at night is a great way to exercise and boost your memory. In the silence of the evening, without all those other distractions, you may be able to remember more details and events than you realize. Moreover, the more you write in your journal and the more of a habit it becomes, the more you start seeing your days from the perspective of how you will record them. You will start to notice more details, more feelings, and even more thoughtful reflection on the events that occur throughout the day.

5. Mindfulness

We have all had those bad days when we lie in bed wondering, “What went wrong?” All too often, though, we get distracted while trying to work through it. Writing about it forces you to sit down and focus on it, allowing you to get to the root of what went wrong and why. The same is true when you have a good day. By stopping for a few minutes to write about what went right that day, you will probably see more than you thought and be able to better focus on the positives going forward.

6. Healing

We all get hurt in life, by different people, and to different degrees. It can be hard to work through those hurts alone or even by talking with another person. Journaling offers you an unbiased, non-judgmental forum to work through the process of healing from hurt. It is a continuous record of your thoughts and emotions, allowing you to look back and see how your feelings and emotions have changed, and what has happened since the hurt to help you move forward.


Now lets look at how your can create mindful friendships and breaking old judgments

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3. Creating Inner Calm Through Meditation


They get up and go to work every day, raise their family, reminisce and worry about the future. But through all that activity, they are never truly awake. However, their life would be much different if they were aware of their oneness with the spiritual power that is constantly flowing into their mind.

Then, instead of walking around in a state of unconsciousness, they would be able to create incredible mental power and focus. The great thinkers share an ability to access this powerful mental state naturally.

They can shut out all distractions and become totally connected with the inspiration and imagination that’s always inside them. If you can’t easily shut out distractions so you can give your great ideas room to grow, one of the best ways to cultivate that ability—and to live a more awakened life—is through meditation

Why Meditate?

Before we go further, let’s take a moment to talk about what meditation is because it means different things to different people. For instance, some consider it a form of prayer. Others use the term to describe activities where they fall into a zone.

They might say music is their meditation, or gardening or art. And, of course, for many meditation means sitting with eyes closed while emptying the mind to attain inner peace, relaxation or even an experience of God. To me, meditation means awareness. Whenever you do something with awareness, it is meditation.

Of course, that very well may be sitting with your eyes closed while watching your breath (I’ll provide an example of how to do that in a minute). However, it can also be listening to the birds sing or a waterfall. As long as these activities are free from any other distraction, it is effective meditation. When you think of it that way, meditation becomes less of a technique and more of a way of life. It leads us to a state of stillness or a state of consciousness when the mind is free of scattered thoughts.

When Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity, he was operating from that still, focused state of consciousness. Thomas Edison was operating from that same state when he invented the lightbulb. When Steve Jobs came up with Apple’s sleek designs, he was operating from a state of stillness too.

Meditation allows us to experience that state more often. It clears out the clutter—so distractions don’t steal our attention away from the power that is always flowing to and through us. It provides fertile soil in which we can use our higher faculties—the will, imagination, intuition, memory, perception and reason—to originate, nourish and grow big ideas. Being in and operating from this state gives you access to the vast haven that provides every creative solution and every breakthrough idea that you need and desire.

A Doorway to Living a Happy, Healthy, Abundant Life

Listen, most people know meditation calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety. But there are several additional benefits that you might not be aware of. Just take a look at the list below, and you’ll see that meditation is an incredibly powerful tool that can transform just about every area of your life:

I don’t know about you, but I find it exciting that we can experience all of these mental, physical and emotional benefits (and there are more) simply by sitting still for 20 minutes. Of course, when most people sit down to meditate, their primary goal is to reach the point of thoughtlessness.

Here are a few tips that will help you get “there” more often.

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Now together, we will create a calm journal 

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4. How to Create a Vision Board



If there is light in the soul, there is beauty in the person, if there is beauty in the person, there is harmony in the house, if there is harmony in the house, there is order in the nation, if there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world.

The secret of making something work in your life is, first of all, the deep desire to make it work, then the faith and belief that it can work, then to hold that clear definite vision in your consciousness, visualise it working out step by step, without one thought or doubt of disbelief.

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5. Meditation

Incorporating meditation into our daily lives also teaches our minds to be centred and calm. It trains us to have control over our thinking and enables us to eliminate the chatter of thought that typically leads us into negative thinking. The more we exercise control over our minds through Meditation and choosing to reflect on the positive aspects of our lives, the faster the habit of thinking positively develops, in much the same way as a bicep muscle will develop and become stronger with regular weight lifting. When our minds are calm and quiet as a matter of normality and we are mostly focused on positive (grateful) thoughts our brains (and our bodies) are in better condition to cope with stressful situations, problems and unexpected situations when they do arise.




A daily routine where we use a Gratitude Journal in combination with worry time and positive reflection on the things we view as positive in our lives trains our minds to isolate worry and develops the habit of choosing positive thought without neglecting unpleasant issues in our lives that we do need to eventually eliminate.


Muscle Relaxation Exercise

Through practising muscle relaxation exercises we train our brains to recognise the first symptoms of stress (flight-or-fight reaction) and also how to release muscle tension on command. This ability allows us to minimise the effects of stress when it does arise and helps us to feel calmer, more in control and better equipped to deal with the situation. Because we are not experiencing a full-blown fight-or-flight reaction our thinking remains clearer and we are better able to respond (act rather than re-act.)


Stress Management Diary

When we begin to recognise the situations in our lives that cause us to respond with a stress reflex (fight-or-flight reaction) and look at ways we can either eliminate or at least minimise those stress triggers, we develop problem-solving skills that build up a habit of confidence. We begin to feel more powerful within our lives and begin to focus more on choice and less on feeling like a victim in our own lives. When new stressful situations present themselves, our minds are better equipped to deal with them. We have created the positive mindset of knowing we can do something about them.



Affirmations are arguably the most useful tool available to us in developing positive thinking skills. We can see the foundations of Affirmations in many familiar practices from psychology to religion in various forms. Some of these forms include chanting, prayer and hypnosis. Affirmations are statements made by the conscious mind that is directed at the subconscious mind. In many ways, it is how our intelligent mind can communicate with our primitive mind. As most of the information we have ever absorbed into our subconscious has come to us in words, we can modify that information with new words.


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