Module 7: From the Inside Out


Living a calmer life is possible. Today’s world is more hectic by nature. Everything seems to be moving faster. However, the basic resources for creating serenity remain the same. Learning just a few tips and tools can help you gain control of the chaos that seems to constantly surround you.

That’s not to say it will be easy. After all, you have a lot of obligations. There are tons of people, tasks, deadlines, and more clamouring for your attention. It can be tough to tune out all the distractions and to focus on one thing at a time. All of that extra noise really adds to your stress levels over time.

One of the biggest reasons for our stress is that there is disarray and discord throughout our lives, along with the pressing obligations weighing on our shoulders. It can all become too much to bear. During this challenge, I’ll walk you through the various areas of your life and show you ways you can take charge of the never-ending pandemonium that seems to confront you on a daily basis.

We’ll start with clutter. Whether it’s at home, on the job, or in your mind, clutter is a huge obstacle to calm. Technology can add to feeling hyped-up. The barrage of smartphone alerts and ever-present media can have you on-edge and out-of-sorts. Your immediate surroundings also play a big role in how you feel at any one moment. When all you see is mess and disorganisation, it’s bound to affect you in a negative way.

In addition to showing you the ways in which your life can be consumed by chaos, many of which you may never have suspected, I’ll share with you concrete methods for addressing them. You’ll discover tools for taking control of your life’s disarray, no matter what the source. Journaling, meditation, morning routines, streamlining, organisation, and other techniques are just the beginning of taking back your life and creating calm. While life can seem like a free-for-all sometimes, it truly doesn’t have to be. Understanding what leads to the chaos and learning simple strategies to deal with these sources can go far toward creating a calmer world, at least in your little corner of it.

Join me for a journey that I feel confident will lead to great things for you. I’m happy and honoured to have you along with me. Let’s get started!

1. Getting Organised


Getting organised is an important factor in beating procrastination. The first thing you need to do is figure out your organisational style. Even as a disorganised person you have an organisational style. Trust me. Knowing your own personal organisational style will help you avoid choosing methods that won’t work for you.

Do you have piles of paper surrounding your desk?

Do you have boxes of paperwork to go through in the attic, inside closets, in the corner of your office that need to be organised? Are your computer files a disorganised jumble of text files and Word documents full of ideas that you will never find again?

Do you have many plans and ideas that you just never get to?

Does the idea of getting organised make you uncomfortable and a little bit nervous? ….. If so, then this guide is for you.

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2. Decluttering your life


Clutter can come in many forms. For simplicity’s sake, I’d like to break it down into two main types. These are physical and mental. Each has a heavy impact on your stress levels. They both are likely to play a role in keeping you from creating calm in your life. Therefore, I think it’s important to take a look at each type, definite it, and examine ways both can negatively affect you.


Physical Clutter

Physical clutter is easy to understand. This is the kind of mess you can see. It’s the piles of clothing, papers, dishes, and more that are strewn around your home or office. It’s the overabundance of things you’ve been holding onto for years because they’re sentimental or you might use them one day. Physical clutter can even be the many tabs you keep open in your computer browser or the tons of media you consume each day. These things can be seen. They consume large amounts of your resources such as time, space, and money.


Mental Clutter

Mental clutter isn’t as simple to define. It involves the overload of information, along with nagging emotional issues, that overwhelm your mind. This type of internal congestion can consist of things such as your never-ending to-do list, negative internal dialogue, relationship demands, old grudges, or habits that don’t serve you. The source of such mess usually lies in emotions like fear, regret, worry, guilt, or shame. Identifying the types of mental issues that are cluttering your brain can lead to purging yourself of them.


Reducing Clutter

Ridding yourself of clutter, both physical and mental, can truly increase your feelings of happiness and calm. It can lead to less stress and overall greater well-being. The negative effects of too much clutter are astounding. Decreased mental health is one of the biggest issues to come of surrounding yourself with all sorts of clutter.

Studies show that mental hygiene is improved when clutter is kept under control, both in the home and in the workplace. Too much physical clutter impairs visual processing. It can be incredibly distracting to see lots of piles and messes in your surroundings, leading you to miss cues regarding people’s emotions and other important information. Your cognition and clarity of mind are adversely affected by excess mental clutter. You simply can’t think straight when you’ve got a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirling around in your head.

This is merely an overview of the ramifications that come from physical and mental clutter. However, the information above should give you some insight into how important it can be to clean things up in both your physical world and within your mind. Doing so can lead to tremendous benefits within your world, including more of the elusive calm you’ve been seeking..

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3. How to Start Your Day Off Right


It may be that clean eating sounds like an entire lifestyle shift, one that requires proper planning and proper initiation. You may be putting it off until you get a few days off from work or when that one big project is over. You will keep looking for reasons to put off change until you realise that you can just break down that change into smaller pieces and start integrating it slowly into your life.

You will not be asked to change everything in order to live better and brighter; you only need to remember a few things as guiding principles to set out on a new journey. One of the most important aspects of clean eating is what you choose to eat. That does not mean just planning meals according to the grade school food pyramid; it means that whatever you choose to eat, the closer it is to its natural state, the better it is for you.

Try to avoid foods that have been refined, processed, or preserved. It is always better to go natural to benefit from inherent nutrients without the chemicals or preservatives that may reduce a food’s natural goodness. When you are trying to eat clean, it is also a good idea to eat organic. In this day and age, enhancements and hormone treatments have crept into all kinds of foods.

This ends up having an adverse effect on your health even if you are eating what you should in all the right quantities. It is important to start choosing organic; a little vigilance goes a long way. Always read labels. They give away everything you need to know about the food you are buying. In general, the more ingredients a product contains, the higher chances there are that the food is processed. Even if you try eating healthy, there is a chance that the products you buy may contain preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and colors that make the healthy, unhealthy.

Read the label to make sure that the yogurt you add to your bowl of berries is not going to ruin your clean eating. The simplest trick to eating clean is to remember the eating clean equals to eating greens. This is the bare minimum to jumpstart into clean eating.

Try your hardest to incorporate leafy greens into whatever you are preparing for healthy servings of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as increased fiber, which boosts your metabolism by assisting digestion. By filling you up with the least number of calories but the most amount of nutrients, leafy greens help you to be healthy with just one color. This is an easy place to start. With the myriad smoothie and salad recipes out there today, leafy greens can always find a way into your diet. We have talked about adding to your clean diet.


Now let us talk about omission. One of the simplest things you can omit for maximum effect is artificial sugar. Start identifying all things that contain artificial sweeteners. Drop that can of soda, say no to that candy, and you are on your way to clean eating. Watch how your energy stabilises and your mood lifts when you leave out artificial sugar that plays havoc with your blood sugar levels.

Clean eating does not have to be difficult or intimidating. Start small and implement easy, gradual changes into your regular eating habits to get yourself on the right path toward better health.

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Keeping up with fitness and clean, healthy eating can be a challenge. Striving to limit carbs and calories and boredom with limited options can cause people to get tired of the same old foods and lead them back to unhealthy habits. It is important to incorporate variety and change in our diets to make sure we don’t become stagnant.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The kind of breakfast you consume will have a significant impact on your activities throughout the day. To function at your best, your breakfast should be healthy and rich in protein. Healthy breakfast choices do a lot to keep the cravings for carbs and extra calories at bay.

Here are some easy healthy breakfast choices:

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4. Foods to Balance Blood Sugar


Balanced blood sugar levels prevent disruption of your body’s functions and help your overall health.

Here are a few foods to add to your diet to help balance your blood sugar:

1. Greens

You can never eat too many greens. For the best blood sugar benefits, go for nutrient-dense, low-carb greens like spinach, kale, and broccoli. These greens are also very rich in protein and calcium, which help your body in multiple areas. You can toss these greens in salads with olive oil and chunks of salmon. Studies have shown that these three vegetables contribute to a dramatic improvement in patients who are constantly battling with their blood sugar.

2. Low fructose fruits

Fruit is always a must, but for blood sugar-specific management, choose fruits that are low fructose, such as cantaloupe, raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, and blackberries. You can snack on them throughout the day, or toss them in your salad, smoothies, or acai bowls.

3. Protein

Protein is essential for slowing down glucose absorption in your body, which helps regulate your blood sugar levels. Add foods to your diet that are packed with protein, like wild salmon and other types of fish, beef and other types of lean meat, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and eggs. Make your diet interesting; try snack ideas as celery sticks dipped in all-natural peanut butter. This snack is rich in protein and only contains a good kind of fat. Remember everything in moderation, however. Too much protein actually can become sugar in your blood, creating a condition called gluconeogenesis; 40 to 70 grams of protein is enough for a day.

4. Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are natural supplements for balancing your blood sugar levels. They not only add flavour to your dishes but they may also help your hormone’s lower your blood sugar. Some spices, like turmeric, contain anti-inflammatory properties, which help in balancing out your sugar.

5. Low-Calorie Drinks

Cut out sugary, high-calorie drinks from your diet. Add drinks like cinnamon tea, lemon water, and cucumber juice to your daily routine.

6. Whole Grain 

Wholegrain foods that are also rich in protein, like millet and quinoa, provide and store energy without causing spikes in your blood sugar levels.

7. Beans

Beans are a good source of protein, low carb, and rich in fibre, all important factors in balancing your blood sugar. Hummus, lentils and garbanzo beans are good examples and great dietary choices. Remember to soak them the night before to promote easier digestion.

8. Nuts

Nuts like almonds and walnuts contain healthy amounts of fibre, protein, and healthy fats, and are a low carb snack idea.


Try balancing your blood sugar the natural way by changing the way you eat. You’ll be amazed at the difference!

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5. Foods to Give You Energy


When you feel slacking or low on energy, you most likely need to get some nutrient-dense foods in your system. Here are some foods that will give you a quick boost of lasting energy without the crash.

Blueberries are flowering indigo-coloured berries that are sweet, long-lasting, and versatile. They are a great way to jazz up salads, smoothies, yogurt, and gluten-free pancakes, cupcakes, or waffles. Not only are they tasty and easy to snack on, but they are powerhouse superfoods with a wide range of benefits.

1. High in nutrition Blueberries are very nutritious. A cup contains four grams of fibre, 36% of your daily value (DV) of vitamin K, 24% DV of vitamin C, 25% DV of manganese and 15 grams of healthy carbohydrates.

2. Low in calories Although they are high in nutrition, they are low in calories. One serving of 148 grams of blueberries only contains 84 calories.

3. King of anti-oxidants Blueberries are often referred to as the king of antioxidants. They contain a high number of flavonoids that reduce the risk of various types of diseases and illnesses like cancer and heart problems.

4. Promote anti-aging Daily consumption of blueberries reduces the risk of DNA damage and the development of anti-aging symptoms.

5. Fight various diseases and illnesses Blueberries can help reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and improve your memory and other brain activities.

6. Workout partner Blueberries are great for restoring and repairing muscle damage after hard workout sessions. Add a handful of them to your post-workout protein shake or smoothie.

7. Help in losing weight The fibre in blueberries helps you feel full, satiates cravings, and provides you with loads of long-lasting energy. Whip up a smoothie or throw them into some Greek yogurt to help keep your snacking healthy.

8. Healthy digestion Having a handful of blueberries as a dessert after your meal will help to improve your digestion and will save your body from disturbing illnesses like constipation.

9. Promote clear and glowing skin Blueberries promote clear skin. The high levels of vitamin C help reduce the damages of smoke, pollution and built-up makeup. Try a blueberry facemask at home to help your skin regain its glow.

10. Have luscious locks. The vitamins and nutrients in blueberries can help restore the lustre and shine of your hair. You can even crush a handful of blueberries and add them to your hair oil as a hair mask. Apply, let sit for a few minutes, and rinse. Your hair will feel amazing.

11. You are strong when your bones are strong Blueberries contain magnesium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus that promote strong, healthy bones. Daily consumption of a handful of blueberries may help repair damaged bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Now.. we have talked about the benefits of blueberries, let’s look at 8 more foods to add to your daily diet!

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6. How to Jumpstart Your Weight Loss

Everyone wants to lose weight quickly, but there is no magic pill that can make you thin in a month. However, there are several ways that you can jumpstart your weight loss by increasing your metabolism.

1. Keep yourself hydrated

This is the most basic and easiest way to jumpstart your weight loss. Drinking a lot of water and detoxifying herbal teas will help you flush all the harmful toxins from your body, boosting your metabolism by improving the efficiency of your thyroid functioning. Drink five glasses of water daily at the very least to keep your body at its best. Drinking a lot of water and herbal teas, especially first thing in the morning and before meals, will also curb your hunger and prevent you from binge eating.

2. Get enough sleep

Your diet, your workout, and all the water that you consume will go to waste if you fail to get enough quality sleep. Good sleep help to keep your hormones and your mood balanced. If your hormones and your mood are balanced, then your body will function more efficiently and will keep all your unnecessary cravings at bay. Make sure to give yourself a peaceful night of at least eight hours.

3. Hot lemon water

Drinking hot lemon water early in the morning before breakfast helps fire up your metabolism.

4. Health shots

Another way you can fire up your metabolism is by having a healthy shot of lemon, honey, ginger, and turmeric first thing in the morning. It might taste disgusting, but it has a dramatic impact on your metabolism.

5. Pre-workout hydration

Drinking loads of water or green tea before a workout is an easy and efficient way to burn twice the amount of calories that you usually do.

6. Cardio

Exercises that keep your heartbeat up are another way to burn a lot more calories and jumpstart your weight loss. You can add exercises like planks, burpees, and jumping jacks to get your heart pumping.

7. Fidget

Some studies have shown that people who have a habit of fidgeting or bouncing their knees can burn up to 500 more calories a day.

8. Spice is the key

Spicy food burns more calories during digestion because it can fire up your metabolism. Add a few more spicy foods, like hot peppers, to your diet. You can add Jalapeno to almost any dish you like, even in your eggs. Spices also add a ton of flavour with little to no calories.

9. Graze throughout the day

Another trick is to eat five or six small meals throughout the day instead of eating three large meals. If you keep eating small amounts, your body will be constantly functioning to break down that food into energy. Your body will learn to work more efficiently and will burn more calories.

10. Drink black coffee once a day

Drinking pure black coffee at least once a day will boost the rate at which your body burns calories.

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7. Natural Remedies to Keep You Healthy

Getting sick is awful. It disrupts your routine and affects every sphere of your life. But, there is truth in the adage, “Prevention is the best medicine.” Here are some natural remedies that may prevent you from getting sick.

Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine common in China that stimulates the flow of lymph in your body, regulating your body’s processes of your body and fending off illness. It may help prevent diseases and illnesses like sinusitis, arthritis, colds, infections, flu and much more. Acupuncture is administered by pushing thin needles into certain body pressure points. Search for professional clinics in your area. Some gyms and massage parlours also offer acupuncture services to their customers.

Rebounding is a safe, easy exercise that may keep you from getting sick. It is cheap, time-efficient and convenient. To perform this exercise, just buy a small trampoline and jump on it a few times after you wake up. Deep breathing and a few gentle bounces are more than enough to circulate oxygen toward your tissues and remove harmful acids from your body.

Epsom Salt Bath, detox in the bath with Epsom salt is a great way to prevent the common cold. For an Epsom salt detox bath, run a bath of warm water and add one cup of Epsom salt and a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Lavender essential oil is a great choice trying to purify and cleanse your body. For better and more effective results, you can also add a little ground ginger and baking soda to your bath, too. This bath will help your body get rid of harmful toxins and provide overall health to your body. This bath will also help cleanse your thyroid, kidney, and liver.

Healthy juicing is another way to detox your body and get rid of the toxins that make you sick. To keep your immune system going and working efficiently, it needs a regular boost of minerals and vitamins. This is easy to do with the help of juicing. Pack your juices with any combination of the following ingredients:

  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Tomato
  • Kale
  • Turmeric
  • Celery
  • Beet
  • Strawberry
  • Mango
  • Ginger
  • Kiwi
  • Watermelon
  • Mint
  • Pumpkin seed
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Chia seed

Play around with these ingredients to find tasty combinations that you prefer. These ingredients are rich in minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, folate, folic acid, fatty acids and vitamins like A, B6, C and E.

Herbal Teas. There is nothing easier than a herbal tea to keep your immune system going. Drink herbal teas after meals to help prevent illness. Some recommended herbal teas for fighting disease and illness are jasmine, mint, lemongrass, cinnamon, and ginger. These herbal teas contain antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They also boost lymph flow and eliminate toxins.

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Now,  we know the remedies to keep you healthy – let’s look at How to Stop a Cold with Garlic

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8. Best Foods for Anti-aging and Cellulite


Our body is like a machine—good input leads to good output. What you ingest and put in your body has a huge impact on your biological system and your long-term health. A natural lifestyle does not have instant effects, but the long-term benefits are invaluable. Staying active and eating a nutrient-packed balanced diet can help slow the aging process and even prevent numerous diseases. Here are a few foods that can help you live a long and healthy life with great skin and a great body.

1. Olive oil has many anti-aging benefits. The monounsaturated fats in olive oil are can have a huge impact on the prevention or delay of heart disease and cancer. Olive oil also has polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that may help prevent age-related diseases. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and the protein, minerals, and vitamins you need for healthy skin and hair. It has vitamins B and D to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and oleic acid and polyphenols to help smooth skin.

2. Pomegranate Packed with vitamin C, pomegranates are great for softening skin and guarding it against sun damage. The juice in pomegranate seeds contains punicalagin and ellagic acid, which is a polyphenol compound that combats damage from free radicals. Punicalagin is a super nutrient that improves your body’s ability to preserve collagen, a subdermal connective tissue that makes skin look smooth and plump.

3. Yogurt is rich in calcium, which plays a huge role in staving off osteoporosis, and contains good bacteria that help in the maintenance of gut health. Yogurt contains live bacterial cultures, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, that fight the growth of harmful intestinal bacteria and help restore balance in the intestine. These probiotics result in better health and can help prevent age-related illnesses.

4. Blueberries contain more antioxidants than almost any other food. These give your skin an extra defence against skin-damaging free radicals that result from exposure to the sun, overexercise, and even emotional stress. Half a cup of blueberries every day can help in the prevention of cell-structure damage that can lead to fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of firmness. Anthocyanin is also found in blueberries and functions just like an anti-inflammatory and can help maintain healthy brain function.

5.Fish is an abundant source of omega-3 fats, which helps prevent cholesterol buildup in the arteries and provides protection against abnormal heart rhythms. Fish oil and fish proteins are used in the beauty industry worldwide. They promote healthy-looking skin and the omegas found in fish are essential for regulating blood clotting, body temperature, body pressure and the immune system.

Now let’s look at reducing cellulite.

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9. Best Foods for a Great Sex Drive


What you put into your body can have a direct impact on how you feel and how your body reacts to physical stimulation. Different foods stimulate different hormones and chemicals in your body, and stimulating the right ones can help improve your libido.

Here are some foods that can help improve your performance and increase your sex drive:

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